How to Setup SMTP Mail Using Gmail in Business Central

Recently I encounter this issue as one of the customer would like to set up Gmail as service provided for SMTP mail in business central.

So I started the regular way how we started setting up SMTP and encounter the following issue.

Initial Setup :-

Did the initial setup with required details and while key in I key in the regular password which used while signing in Gmail.

When I click to Test Email setup and encounter the following error.

Now question is how get over this issue as it is something like you have entered some wrong password and you are getting this issue. After investing some hours I found the crucks for this issue as we need to generate App Password

This issue is encounter because of the Gmail security which required to authenticate the app which is going to use Gmail id.

To do this we need to do following

  1. Sign in your Gmail account which you are using in business central.
  2. Click on Manage your google account
  3. Go to Security.

4. Click on App Passwords to generate the app password (Need to enable 2-Step Verification first).

5. Select the required App and Device as below

6. Click on Generate to generate the App Password and you will get as follows

Now go back to business central SMTP Setup and key in this App password instead of regular passwords.

Now again test the email setup and you will happy to see this message and email.

Email in you inbox

Hope this will help you…

Stay tuned for more…