How to Find Missing Prefix or Suffix -Business Central

As you all are aware the importance of having prefix and suffix in your app. In every extension you design need must have prefix or suffix on objects which include Table Extension, Page extension as well as control parts on pages. Benefits of this is that it will avoid collision of fields between two app which customer would like to install.

As a partner you need to register the prefix or suffix by sending email on This will helpful when conflict arise so whosever registered will win.

Now when you convert the app from C/AL to AL then you need to huge task to us Prefix or Suffix in entire project.

To find all missing Prefix/Suffix you can enable AppSourceCoup which will help every time.

How to enable AppsourceCoup and complete ruleset You can visit

Apart from this you can create json file and mention the required prefix or suffix value as below

 {    "mandatoryPrefix": "ABCD"    } 

Hope this will help …